Social Media Is Just as Important as Your Website.

Back in the day, your mom probably told you to share and share alike. Sharing is still important, and in so many more ways. Your website is a major way your share information with your target market. Social media is another way to share your message. It can also help drive your target audience to your website, create more brand awareness and, ultimately, increase response to your website.

Positive public opinion about your product or service is critical, and social media can create that for you in a number of ways. Here are just a few:

There are personal relationship networks that allow us to share updates with our entire network. Let’s examine the possible ramifications of this. If someone likes your product and shares it with his/her network of “friends” on Facebook, your image has just improved exponentially…not to mention your sales. It’s the same with Twitter and its “followers”. Most social networks also have extraordinary video and image sharing capabilities, so photos and videos or your product or service can also be shared among networks of friends and followers. Relationship networks, such as Facebook and Google+, also allow companies to connect with their clients more personally and improve customer service.

And before Facebook was a twinkle in Marc Zuckerman’s eye, there were Discussion Forums – places we go for help or to have questions answered. You can’t advertise here – and they are really strict about that, but you can join in conversations as an expert in your field to offer advice. The more your company helps people, whether or not it results in a sale, the more the image of your business improves. There are also entire networks devoted to specific interests. So, if you sell widgets, and there is a widget network, you could gain a large amount of business just by joining in because everyone on this site is already interested in your product!

What you have just read about social media isn’t even the tip of the iceberg. If you want an effective, affordable social media strategy, contact Hosting NSB.