If you think you know about the latest in website design, you might want to think again. Web design is constantly evolving and right now the trend is veering away from the recently popular minimalist approach and pulling a 180 with rule breaking bold colors and a wider selection of fonts.
There is also a bunch of movement commanding our attention in the form of animation stimulation, moving type and short videos – which many web visitors say they prefer to typed content. All of the above is also proven to extend the stay of most visitors, as long as a trusted web design professional has made sure to keep any load times to a bare minimum.
Additionally, warm and fuzzy is taking the place of high tech with design elements such as scrapbook layering and illustrations, for a more personalized approach. Visible grids that direct the viewer’s attention in organized, easy to navigate sections work double time, as they can also almost effortlessly be converted into social media posts. Mini sites with straightforward info on a single page pack maximum punch in certain instances when inexpensive, quick messaging is the goal.
What HAS stayed the same is accessible, mobile-friendly, interactive web design plays a major role in ease of website navigation, improved customer communication and client satisfaction. If you would like to learn more about what’s new in web design and what would work best for the needs of your business, the web design professionals at Hosting NSB are here to help.