Social Media Is Changing Fast & It’s Hard to Keep Up

You think “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” is hard to watch? Just try to keep up with the changes in social media. Social media is a powerful marketing tool that is constantly evolving to meet the ever- increasing needs of consumers and businesses. Whether or not you gain a significant edge over your competition through your social media efforts is largely dependent on how well you are able to make the latest features on each social media platform work for you. Let’s take a look at some of the latest changes on some major social media platforms…

Facebook has overhauled its Ad Manager and News Feed. Facebook News Feed has been updated to provide more trustworthy content. Within Facebook Ad Manager, something called Dynamic Creative helps users find the best creative headlines, text and images for advertising. You get to pick up to 30, and then, after the ad is published, Dynamic Creative will adjust it to determine which variation of your creative choices provides you with the best results. Wow! There is also a new Facebook feature called Dynamic Language Optimization, which allows up to six translations of your ad and then figures out how to best deliver your message to your selected audiences for your budget. Neat stuff!

LinkedIn now delivers a more business-centric platform with notifications and content from groups accessible from the homepage. Users can also now post videos for group member viewing, and the Sales Navigator app enables users to more easily and quickly access information about existing and potential customers.

The separation of media content from “friends” content was a major redesign for Snapchat – for which the jury is still out; and Instagram gave users the ability to follow hashtags so that they no longer have to search for content.

There’s so much more, and it can all sound pretty daunting, but never fear…Hosting NSB, New Smyrna Beach’s trusted source for internet marketing, has its finger on the pulse of social media. For up-to-speed creation and management of a successful social media plan, contact Hosting NSB. We will be happy to “socialize” with you!